New Centennial Bridge

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The existing bridge is nearing the end of its useful life and major repairs to the steel structure will become more numerous and expensive over time. The new bridge will double traffic capacity, include a dedicated pedestrian and cyclist pathway, increase safety, reliability, and environmental outcomes, and create new commercial and community opportunities. It will also enhance transportation and security for U.S. Army Garrison Fort Leavenworth.

The bridge is in satisfactory condition but does not meet modern design standards and has become functionally obsolete. A major repair project was required in 2011 to repair damage and deterioration to the bridge’s steel structures and roadway. Unexpected and costly repairs (outside of routine maintenance) will increase over time.

The new bridge will be located just to the north of the existing bridge. This will allow the new river crossing to utilize existing roadways. View exhibits of the new bridge from the February 2023 open house public meeting.

Construction is anticipated to begin in early 2027 and completed in 2029.

A project this size requires collaboration with stakeholders and agencies at the local, state, and federal levels, with each having their own guidelines and procedures.

  • The Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) and Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) are the funding the development and construction of the new Centennial Bridge.
  • The project is part of the Eisenhower Legacy Transportation Program (IKE).
  • Additional funding may be obtained from federal grants and municipal contributions.
  • As a publicly funded resource, the bridge will be developed in a cost-effective manner that prioritizes sustainability and functionality.

A limited amount of new right-of-way (ROW) will need to be needed to build the new bridge on both sides of the state line. The project team will work directly with property owners and designated representatives to facilitate this process.

  • Except for a few temporary closures, the existing bridge will remain open as the new bridge is being constructed.
  • In advance of the project’s construction phase, traffic impacts and updates will be listed on this website.
  • KDOT and MoDOT will promote advance notice of traffic impacts through local and social media.
  • To receive project updates through the Centennial Bridge newsletter, join our mailing list.

Expanding the river crossing from two to four lanes (two lanes going east and west) will reduce traffic congestion, improve access and maneuverability for bridge repairs, improve public safety, and provide U.S. Army Garrison Fort Leavenworth with increased reliability.

The existing bridge will remain open to the public during the project’s construction phase and delays are anticipated to be infrequent and short in duration. Notification of all anticipated traffic impacts will be publicized via this website, outreach emails, KDOT and MoDOT social media channels, and local news media.

  • In 2015, KDOT conducted an Advanced Preliminary Engineering Study (APE) to determine the future of the existing Centennial Bridge. Through a series of community engagement events, the public was able to participate in planning activities and provide feedback. 140 public and key stakeholders attended the APE meetings and provided input.
  • Input from local public and key stakeholders, in combination with environmental data, regional traffic studies, consultations with city, county, and state-level agencies, and economic forecasts, supported the decision to build a new bridge.

The dedication of a public bridge is a legislative matter that KDOT does not have a role in.

The highway dedication process begins with the requesting sponsor - family, group, organizations, etc. - contacting a legislative representative about obtaining dedicated signing on the state highway system. Dedication signage on Kansas-owned right of way can only occur when a legislator introduces a bill, legislative approval is received, and the Governor signs the bill.

Learn more about the Kansas Highway Dedication Signing process.

Yes. All materials and exhibits from the February 21st Open House Public Meeting can be found on our Resources page.

Materials shared at the Open House Public Meeting can also be viewed by visiting the Leavenworth Public Library.

  • There are currently no additional events scheduled at this time, but additional public meetings may take place as the project gets closer to the construction phase.
  • You can join our mailing list to receive notifications of upcoming public engagement events.

To provide us with your input, leave a comment.

The Study can be viewed and downloaded here.

Click on the links below to learn more about: KDOT

The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requires Federal agencies to assess potential impacts on the environment because of major projects, such as Centennial Bridge. KDOT is completing an Environmental Assessment (EA) to document any human and/or natural environmental impacts that might result from the project. The KDOT Project Team will review existing and future land uses along the corridor, identify potential historical and archaeological sites, and survey habitats along the Missouri River.

KDOT will share preliminary structure and aesthetic feature designs for the new Centennial Bridge with the public and capture participant feedback. KDOT will also provide Project updates; share the environmental study and findings and obtain participant feedback on the EA document.

  • Yes. The project team is conducting an environmental assessment to evaluate the potential impacts of the new bridge's construction and alternatives that can reduce or eliminate those impacts.
  • Environmental studies and permitting are being conducted in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the Council on Environmental Quality's (CEQ) implementing regulations for NEPA (40 Code of Federal Regulations [CFR] 1500-1508), and corresponding regulations and guidelines of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), the lead federal agency.

  • Yes, the existing bridge will eventually be demolished. This will occur some time after the new Centennial Bridge has been opened to public traffic in 2029.
  • The existing bridge will be removed in accordance with demolition and environmental best practices.

Opportunities for the public to safely view the demolition of the existing bridge are being considered.

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Get Involved

While the new bridge will be designed to meet future engineering standards and developed in a fiscally and environmentally responsible manner, the project team understands the community's desire to commemorate or incorporate features of the existing bridge. Learn more about the project and stay connected through the following options.

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There are currently no scheduled events. If you would like updates on future events, join our email list.

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